About Us
An Authorized Obagi® Medical Practice
If you are looking to make an appointment or skin consult, please contact Julie Silver, PA-C at East Valley Dermatology Center at (480) 821-8888.
Authentic Skin Care Products
Feel free to check our authenticity for Obagi Products through Obagi®'s Find a Physician via the official Obagi® website HERE
You may contact all other companies we carry to check our authenticity.
Elta MD: 1-800-633-8872
Helio Care & Dermend: 248-548-0900
Glytone: 1-800-459-8663
Important Notice for Our Patients:
Unauthorized Internet Resellers
The websites listed below have been identified to sell Obagi products but have no relationship with Obagi Medical Products and are NOT authorized resellers. Please be aware that, if your patients are not purchasing Obagi products through authorized resellers, we cannot guarantee the product quality or authenticity as the products may be diluted, expired, or counterfeit, and may not be safe to use or perform as tested.
Partial List of Unauthorized Internet Resellers (Last Updated: 12/2016)
- 101 MedicalSpa
- Agelessology.com
- Airaonline.com
- AspenClinique.com
- Beautymeonline.com
- Beautifyingyou.com
- Beautyskin1.com
- Boundarywaters.biz
- Chosenmeds.com
- Cleopatraschoice.com
- Dermsweets.com
- Ebay.com
- Ecrater.com
- EliteDepot.com
- Endlessbeautycare.com
- Feelbeautiful.com.sg
- Fivestardiscount.com
- Foreverbeaut.com
- Fragrancenet.com
- Goodskinforever.com
- Igetadeal.com
- Makemeheal.com
- Medicalartsbeauty.com
- Newskinhealth.com
- Obagi-products.com
- Obagi-review.com
- Obagi-shop.com
- Obagiconnection.com
- Obagideal.com
- Overstock.com
- Pharmapacks.com
- Pricefalls.com
- Radiancerx.com
- Radiantbeautybar.com
- Rakuten.com
- Revampyourlook.com
- Reviews-obagi.com
- Shop-obagi.com
- Skincarehealthy.com
- Skincaremarket.net
- Skincareretail.com
- Skinitems.com
- Skinmedix.com
- Skinolution.com
- Skinsk.com
- Skintransformationworld.com
- Strawberry.net
- Tastyvitamin.com
- Theobagistore.com
- Walmart.com
- Whatisobagi.com